May 6 - 27: Beginning Guitar 2 with Jonathan Shue (Online)
7pm – 8pm PDT
Online (Zoom link sent prior to first class meeting)
Maximum Enrollment: 12
Registration & Refund Deadline: Wednesday, April 30
Continue on from Beginning Guitar 1 or dive right into this fun, self-paced online group guitar class! You'll review core skills and concepts while learning new and interesting chords and strum patterns found in popular songs from the 70’s singer-songwriter era. You’ll also receive guidance on making fluid chord changes, singing while playing, and internalizing the music as you develop your own playing style.
Skills Needed: Beginning Guitar 1 or knowledge of at least three chords and a basic strum. As a self-paced course, you’ll work from an online booklet designed for total beginners and experienced players alike. Jonathan will teach and demonstrate core concepts in the weekly class meetings, answer questions, and give individual feedback and homework appropriate to your level.
What to Bring: A six-string guitar (acoustic or electric) and a strong internet connection. Classes will be conducted over Zoom and Jonathan will send a link before the first meeting. Medium to heavy gauge guitar picks and a capo are also recommended.
Teacher: Jonathan Shue believes everyone can sing and play an instrument, and that it’s never too late to learn! It’s all about breaking things down into small, manageable steps, defining specific goals, and developing a pathway toward achieving them. A teaching artist for more than twenty years, Jonathan has taught music and drama throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and at the University of Washington. He has produced plays, studio albums, concerts, and music events and is the former Education Director of Dusty Strings Music School, where he has taught guitar, songwriting, and voice since 2015.
Interested in private lessons with Jonathan? Sign up Here!
*Most classes and workshops are geared towards late-teens and adults. Younger learners will benefit most starting with private lessons.
If you have any questions about group classes, or the school in general, don’t hesitate to contact us at (206) 634-1662 or